Extensive Counselling

Extensive Counselling

Once you decide to study abroad various factors plays an integral role in that. The entire process is different which varies from person to person and depends upon individual’s need on the basis of background, eligibility, academic scores of qualification and, budget, mode of funding, visa probability and not to ignore cognitive needs and the list goes on. BCES helps you to choose the right country, right university to match up all your requirements.

  • Choosing the rights country:
    The first step to take for study abroad is to choose/select the country. Selecting the right country to study is often a crucial decision based on lot many parameters/factors of individual’s profile/need/requirement. We at BCES first understand the requirement/need of the students considering all factors involves in the process then helps/assist them to take the right decision.
  • Selecting the right university and course:
    Once the country is decided the next important step involved is selecting the right university and course. This again is need and eligibility based decision to take. We analyze the profile of the student based on academic scores, language proficiency, funding/budget, career goals and objectives and help the students to decide the right course and university.
  • Filling up and submission of applications:
    Filling up and submission of application form is one of the most exhaustive and complex issue to adhere/handle. We shoulder the complete responsibility of this part to allow students work on fulfilling other requirements of language proficiency, arranging transcripts,certificates,competitive exams scores and any other additional documents to complete the application submission process
  • Preparing financial documents:
    Once the university and course selection is made one has to provide the documentation to show you are having sufficient amount of money estimated by the respective country, university, college or institution to cover the period of your study. We guide you to get the acceptable forms of proof of funding to show and attach.
  • Assisting in SOP:
    Statement of purpose is one of the outmost important documents to analysis your candidature as a prospective students in respective university, college. Being able to send so many students in 18 years we assist/guide you every in possible way to write your statement of purpose.
  • Letter of recommendations:
    In this matter every country is different from India where a detailed letter of recommendation is required to secure your admission in any course or university no matter how big or small it may be.
  • Visa procedures:
    Document required for visa application
    • Visa Application form
    • Visa Application fees
    • Financial Statement
    • Health Statement
    • Acceptance letter of University College and Institute
    • Passport
  • Mock interview:
    After completion of visa formalities, before granting the visa some countries call the students for personal interview. We conduct mock interview session for all the students in order to train them in facing the interview confidently and answer the complex questions in professional manner.
Additional Services
  • Scholarships:
    There are different kinds of scholarship and bursaries are available for students. These may vary in different forms some in tuition fee, some in extra course at no additional cost etc. we help in figuring out the best available student.
  • Bank Loans:
    Funding is very curial issue of study abroad nut thanks to national and private bank’s educational loans one manage their financial affair with these loans. We assist the student in completing all the formalities in securing the bank loan.
  • Pre-Departure Briefing:
    One of the major matters of concern of all the parents is HOW????WHERE???Means how will they reach, who will take care, safety housing list keeps on going. With significant experience and connections we help the student is every aspect.Pre departure session are being conducted for the students where they are told about each and every minute detail related to their smooth departure.
  • Travels Arrangements:
    As we say “we are one stop solution” so every affair related to study abroad is covered in our services. We take care of ticketing and travel affair as well.
  • Accommodation Assistance:
    Arranging an accommodation is the biggest and tough task students feel before reaching to new country. We try every possible way in getting university or college hostel accommodation or in connecting with right people to help you getting a right accommodation for you.