Study in Netherland

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The Netherlands, a country in northwestern Europe, is known for a flat landscape of canals, tulip fields, windmills and cycling routes. It has flat and fertile ground which makes it perfect for agriculture, it’s the second largest exporter of food after the United States. Netherlands has a very mild and soothing climate, one of the best in the world. It's one of the first countries to be governed by an elected parliament. It's governed by a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

Education in the Netherlands is characterised by division: education is oriented toward the needs and background of the pupil. Education is divided over schools for different age groups, some of which are divided in streams for different educational levels. Schools are furthermore divided in public, special (religious), and general-special (neutral) schools, although there are also a few private schools. The Dutch grading scale runs from 1 (very poor) to 10 (outstanding). The Education law of 1806 encouraged the establishment of primary schools in all municipalities and instated provincial supervision. It also introduced a mandatory curriculum comprising Dutch language, reading, writing, and arithmetics. History, geography, and modern languages such as French, German and English were optional subjects.

Capital : Amsterdam
Area : 41,543 km sq
National Language : Dutch English(regional)
Time zone : UTC + 1

Application Procedure

  • Original passport, must not be older than 10 years and valid for at least three months longer than the intended stay. The passport should have at least two blank pages to affix the visa
  • A copy of the holder page of your passport
  • Passports with observations regarding the front data page will not be accepted.
  • One applications form with all fields filled in and signed by the applicant. The e-mail identity and mobile phone number should be clearly readable.
  • Two recent photographs in the size of 36-40mm width with white background. The face should cover 70-80% of the photo area.
  • Visa fee and service fee amount. Children between 0 and 6 years old will not be charged. Supporting documents Proof of means of transport
  • Flight reservation of return or round ticket. If the applicant is travelling to several Schengen States, proof of intra-Schengen flight reservation, train itinerary or car rental. Proof of lodging
  • Hotel reservations, rental of holiday home or campus residence reservation. If the applicant intends to stay with a family member or a friend, proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation from the host. Individual Schengen States may require applicant to present proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation by completing a form drawn up by the Schengen State’s competent authority (hereinafter 'national form'). If applicant is travelling to several Schengen States, proof of lodging in each of them.

Proof of financial means

  • Original private bank statement showing movements in the last three months, duly stamped and signed by the bank;
  • Indian income tax return acknowledgment for the last two assessment years; 2 In addition: If the applicant is employed
  • payslips for the last three months;
  • employment contract
  • employers statement on approval for holidays.
  • If the applicant is a company owner or self-employed
  • certificate of registration of the company.
  • If the applicant is sponsored
  • proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation by completing a national form of the Schengen State concerned (see the website of the Member State of destination) If the applicant is retired
  • pension statements for the last three months
  • proof of regular income generated by ownership of property or business.
  • Other Certificate of admission or registration at an educational establishment for the purpose of attending academic or vocational courses, or cover letter from the inviting company
  • Student cards or certificates of the establishment at which the applicant is enrolled.
  • Copy of overseas medical insurance policy, including medical emergency evacuation cover (equivalent to 30.000 Euros) corresponding with the (desired) period of stay. If the applicant is a minor(younger than 18 years)
  • If the minor is travelling with only one parent, written consent certified by public notary of the other parent or guardian, except in cases of a parent having sole custody or guardianship of the minor
  • If the minor travels alone (without parents), written consent, certified by public notary, of both parents or guardians having custody or guardianship of the minor
  • Copies of the passport of the parents. If not applicable, birth certificate of the applicant and copies of the ID cards of the parents.